*- * ))
「それでは、ちょっと、こんな場面を想定して、短い会話なんて どうでしょう・・」というと、道之助はすらすらと、Unterhaltung を口にした。
Herr Wacht-meister, wo ist der Dom, bitte ? -1.
--;Der Dom ist nicht weit von hier.
Geradeaus ,dann links, -2.
--: Wie bitte, -3.
---:Geradeaus ,dann links. ..
Sie sind fremd hier ,nicht wahr? -4.
--- :Woher kommen Sie ? -5.
--; Ich komme aus Japan. -6.
---:Ach so, Sie kommen aus Japan.
Dann, Viel Genügen!. -7.
--:Danke ,Vielen Dank. -8.
---:Auf Wiedersehen! -9.
--:Wiedersehen ! Herr Wachtmeister.
*- )))
「それでは、手始めに、簡単に英語に直してみますね。それで意味は直ぐにつかめますから。読み方や発音、抑揚など詳しくは その後にして・・。
1.はこんな感じです。--:Excuse me, Where is the Köln Dome ?
The Dome is not so far away from here.
Go straight along this street and turn left,
3.はこんな感じで---: Beg your pardon.!..
4. ---: You are stranger here, ?
5. ---: Where do you come from ?
6. ---: I come from Japan.
7. ---;...Have a good day !
8. --- Thank you, Thank you so much.
9. ---: Good bye !
* - (((
「ただいま、あら、どなたか いらっしっているの、美沙希さん・・」
*- ))) Fortsetzung :
* 創作 :大学時代 :School days: )) Universität Zeit:
Oh, it is rare ! The weather may change in the evening.
If that is the case, let us go have a cup of tea ,shall we? said Michinosuke . When the fifth and sixth period lectures were suddenly cancelled, he called out to Sawada, who was still nearby.
Unusually on that day, the bell announcing the start of the class rang, and after about 15 minutes ,the young German lecturer had not appeared . The classroom was buzzing with conversations.
Among them, there was a person who shouted loudly that the class was cancelled ! ,that the class was cancelled ! Then everyone was chatting on their own and spending their times lively without waiting , but that voice suddenly made them quiet.
As soon as everyone agreed to cancell the class as if in union, someone went arounding ,saying that Mr.Edelmann must be busy with dates today .